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Happy half term -and best of luck in LAMDA exams!

What a busy - and snowy - half term it's been! A huge thank you and well done to all pupils (and parents) in adapting in many cases to online classes amidst home schooling and the pressures of lockdown. Wishing you a restful half term break!

A huge congratulations to our Buck Prep boys and the first cohort of students who've completed their LAMDA exams this half term. The examiners have already complimented us on what a wonderful and talented student body we have.

And now, over the course of half term we have 275 pupils completing their LAMDA exams remotely. We're thrilled that you can all complete your exams as planned in these unusual times and wish you the very BEST of luck.

Hot on the heels, after half term, our Orley Farm, Quainton Hall, Newton Farm and Hendon Prep pupils will complete their exams, and then we'll have 143 pupils taking part in the annual Watford Festival of Speech and Drama - so lots to look forward to, and hopefully some lovely Spring weather ahead...!


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