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Director's Note: Projecting Your Voice

Director’s Notes

Core Skill: Projection

A skill we often work on in class is how to project and strengthen the voice. I was at dinner with a friend recently and she talked about how as an adult she can struggle to make her voice hard and ‘cut through’. We often see school teachers with no voice at the end of term - a symptom of vocal strain and have been asked in the past to provide professional workshops on how to protect the voice and apply volume in a safe and manageable way. So this one is not just for our student body, but for everyone trying to make their voice heard! Below are some of the tips and techniques that we work on to improve projection. We hope you find them helpful! 

A Quick Guide to Improving Vocal Projection 🎤

Vocal projection is essential for clear and confident communication, whether on stage, in a classroom, or during a presentation. Here’s how to strengthen your voice and make it carry effectively:

1. Breathe from Your Diaphragm

  • Why: Your diaphragm provides the power for your voice. Shallow breathing from your chest limits projection.

  • How:

    • Place a hand on your belly and take a deep breath, ensuring your belly rises, not your chest.

    • Exhale slowly, feeling the control in your core. Practice daily to build breath control.

2. Find Your Natural Resonance

  • Why: A resonant voice is rich and carries farther.

  • How:

    • Hum gently and feel the vibration in your chest and throat.

    • Practice speaking from this space, focusing on clarity and tone.

3. Open Your Mouth and Articulate

  • Why: Clear enunciation helps your words reach the back of the room.

  • How:

    • Over-pronounce vowels and consonants during practice.

    • Use tongue twisters like “Red leather, yellow leather” to improve precision.

4. Use Good Posture

  • Why: Proper alignment supports breath and vocal power.

  • How:

    • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.

    • Keep your shoulders relaxed and your head aligned with your spine.

5. Practice Vocal Warm-Ups

  • Why: Warm-ups loosen vocal cords and prepare them for use.

  • How:

    • Start with lip trills (buzzing your lips like “brrrr”).

    • Slide up and down in pitch (sirens).

6. Avoid Straining Your Voice

  • Why: Strain can cause damage and reduce projection.

  • How:

    • Speak from your diaphragm, not your throat.

    • Stay hydrated and take vocal breaks when needed.

7. Engage Your Audience

  • Why: Connection can amplify impact.

  • How:

    • Direct your energy towards the person or group furthest away.

    • Imagine speaking to someone across a large room.

8. Record and Reflect

  • Why: Self-awareness leads to improvement.

  • How:

    • Record your voice in different settings.

    • Listen for clarity, tone, and volume, and adjust accordingly.

With regular practice, these tips can transform your vocal projection, making your voice clear, confident, and impactful! 🎙️



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